Home > Product > 15. OTHER ELECTRO MASSAGER / STIMULATOR INSTRUMENTS > Auricular Point Detector
Energy channels of the ear are complicated and they are the energy channels of body meet. They communicate with all the energy channels from inside to outside, from upper part to lower part. When body or organs have diseases, the earpoints will appear electrical changes (which called respondent dot of masculine). According to this principle, the Earpoints probe can find the respondent dot of masculine. Light to show the condition of body. It is the auxiliary machine of diagnosing and consulting; what's more, it helps the cure of pasting and pressing ear acupuncture point to improve curative effect. After many practices ,cure disease at ear acupuncture point can mediate energy channels, can regulate the function of vigor or the body organs ,strengthen the ability of resisting disease, accelerate the circulation of blood ,reach the function of preventing disease., and caring your health.