Home > Product > 01. ACS ACUPRESSURE INSTRUMENTS > ACS Acupressure Twister - Slim & Soft With Magnet

ACS Acupressure Twister - Slim & Soft With Magnet

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Price : 499

Product Details

I. Code
30 cm
30 cm
3 cm
800 gm
Hsn Code
QTY in Per Box

Product Description

Acupressure Pyramid & Magnetic treatment therapy. ACS Twister transforms the body into an attractive shapely figure by getting rid of excess fat, flabby muscles, increases chest & gains energy.

INDICATION: For headache, tension, gastric, acidity, backache, sciatica, knee pain, leg pain, stimulate the pressure points on the sole and helps blood circulation.

It is rough & tuff in use, made by high quality plastic, attached with double ball bearing disc & unbreakable.

Easy to Use
Stand on the ACS Twister and swing from right to left and left to right such that the pressure comes on your waist line.

Do this for around 5-6 minutes daily and watch your inches fade away! For spine fitness, take care of swinging slowly and smoothly without applying jerks.

For accurate results, Yantra Magnets & Metal Power must come under your feet.

Best for :

• Weight reduction
• Figure tone up
• Spine fitness
• Ab trimming

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