Home > Product > 01. ACS ACUPRESSURE INSTRUMENTS > ACS Acupressure Mat V - 2000 Economy

ACS Acupressure Mat V - 2000 Economy

Price : 199

Product Details

I. Code
30 cm
30 cm
7 cm
270 gm
Hsn Code
QTY in Per Box

Product Description

TOP - SELLING PAIN RELIEVER : It is a new computerized design with an energy center, pyramid yantra orbit, & innovative new foot shape design to cover all important pressure points. Warm-up your body by jogging for three to five minutes daily.

INDICATION : Morning freshness with total health. Also gives relief in sciatica, leg pain, cramps, heel pain, knee pain, piles, migraine, sinus, insomnia. Specially raised part: For constipation, gastric, acidity, diabetes, indigestion & renal problems. It consists of 24 bio magnets, an energy ball, micro points charger. Very compact, effective, attractive shape & unbreakable.

Other than above mention uses ACS Acupressure Mat 2000 can be used as a regular mat as follows:

´Stand on ACS Acupressure Mat´ Start spot walking on it by lifting your feet one by one slowly ´Use daily in morning for a whole day tone up´ For relaxation and pain control ACS Acupressure Mat can be used at any time ´Duration about 3 to 5 minutes twice a day' For tender skin, a thin cloth can be placed between feet and the mat ´This is complimentary to usual medical care´ If symptoms persist consult your physician.

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